There was a large turnout at a public meeting in the Courtenay Lodge Hotel, Newcastle West, on Thursday last concerning a plan for the town. It was the first step in the formulation of a five year plan for the town.
The meeting, which was chaired by Donal Fitzgibbon, had been organised by Newcastle West and District Chamber of Commerce and the Community Council. Those in attendance were divided into smaller working groups for the night and asked to visualise their aspirations for the town over the next five years. They were also asked to come up with ideas to make their dreams a reality. Some cultural and business deficiencies were identified but some really good and innovative ideas were presented.
All these will be categor-ised and expanded over the next few weeks. If you have an idea it is not too late as you can still contact the chamber office on 069-77751, e-mail or contact any member of the Chamber or Community Council with your idea.
A second meeting will follow in a few weeks time to move the process along. Meanwhile, the organisers would like to encourage everyone to keep up their interest and enthusiasm. A date and time for the meeting will be fixed later.