The 32nd Castlemahon/Feohanagh Parish Journal was launched by Cllr. Jerome Scanlan at Castlemahon Parish Hall on Saturday night last 24th November. A good crowd was in attendance and all received a very warm welcome to this annual event. It is always nice to be in the company of people who you may only meet at this event each year. It was a nice relaxed and enjoyable evening as people mixed and mingled before and after the launch. It was a night of celebration for the dedicated committee who once again have produced a fine publication. They also had on display a number of books published by parishioners over the years. Pat Normoyle was the very efficient MC and May O’Connor on behalf of the History Committee welcomed everybody to the very comfortable hall by the River Deel.
Cathaoirleach of Limerick County Council Jerome Scanlan performed the launch of the annual. A native of Mondellihy on the Dromcollogher/Feohanagh border, and now living in Feohanagh, he was very honoured to be asked to perform the launch of the fine parish annual. His twelve-minute address was informative, interesting, insightful and thought provoking, as he introduced himself and his connections to the parish. He picked passages from the Journal, and said it was important to remember the past, without living in it. He said the Journal would have pride of place on his desk in the Council and issued an invitation to the group to visit the Council Office for a tour next spring. He spoke about the importance of community involvement and volunteerism, and urged everybody present to secure a copy. Other speakers included Fr John Duggan, Fr Peadar de Búrca, Eddie O’Sullivan, and Timmy Murphy who contributed articles, Willie O’Regan, and Nora Riordan from the History Committee. They were all complimentary and interesting and praised the history group for their good work over the years in preserving the parish history. Séamus O’Suilleabhain who has parish connections was praised for publishing ‘The Battle of Knocknanuss’ earlier in the year, and a copy was on display with all the other parish books. Presentations of an inscribed glass bowl and two books ‘Beyond the Myths’ by Eamon O’Riordan, and ‘Inside looking Out’ by Margaret Doody Scully were presented to Jerome Scanlan at the conclusion of the launch.
We missed the presence of Margaret Doody Scully who was absent due to illness. Her two published books were displayed on the top table, and we wish her a speedy recovery. The entertainment was top class with Ann Phelan and John Cussen playing some lovely tunes on the violin; their playing of the ‘The Dawning of the Day’ and ‘Slievenamon’ was brilliant. Nora Condon, and Pat Cagney sang two lovely songs each, and Grainne Buckley played some sweet numbers on the harp. Ronan Buckley told a very interesting story and a young member of the Normoyle family played ‘Silent Night’ on the tin whistle. Chrissie Roche composed a poem during the day about the concert in Feohanagh Church the previous night especially for the launch. She called it ‘A Night to Remember’ and it went down very well with all present. The ladies served a lovely tea with lots of delicious food which was much appreciated on the cold frosty night. Pat Cagney sang ‘How Great thou Art’ with others joining in to conclude a most enjoyable night.
The parish annual contains 52 articles and reports, and includes 226 photographs. It is printed in good quality paper, and has an attractive 4 page colour cover. It is on sale in all the usual outlets and it costs € 10 and it is a most enjoyable read. It would make a lovely Christmas gift for a person interested in their local parish, or for one of the many exiles, longing for their homeland. It comes highly recommended and will not disappoint readers over the festive season.