It could be make or break for Newcastle West Business Association this Thursday evening when the group’s annual general meeting is held at the Ballintemple Inn, Church-town, at 6.30pm.
The Association, which was revived about 20 years ago, had been very active, but recent years have mar-ked a decline in partici-pation by the local business community.
On Thursday evening the chairman, Pat O’Donovan, secretary Marie Dooley and treasurer Mary Lee, all long time mainstays of the Association, are standing down and the plan is to elect a new officer board and committee.
There are growing fears that with interest recently waning it may be difficult to fill the officer positions, and failure to do so could lead to the immediate demise of the organisation.
Confirming his and his fellow officers, intention to stand down tomorrow evening, Mr O’Donovan told the Weekly Observer this week: “Failure to elect a new officer board or committee and we will be left with no alternative but to disband which will be very sad after such a long time.”
Nominations for officer positions can be submitted in advance, or at tom-orrow’s meeting.
In the same vein, Mr O’Donovan also lamented that there was no St. Patrick’s Day parade in Newcastle West this year.