A major fundraising event will be launched at Gran-agh Community Centre this Saturday evening at 8pm.

Granagh Development Association in association with Team Dave Riordan and St. Joseph’s Foun-dation, Charleville, will launch the Malin to Mizen Cycle, 10th – 15th August, in aid of the Liskennett Autism Development Project – Equipment Fund.

St. Joseph’s purchased a farm in Liskennett, Gran-agh, some years ago with the aim of becoming the first farm in the country devoted to service users with autism. The total investment is envisaged to be around €7 million. It is to contain residential units, apart-ments, crafts, equestrian centre, sensory gardens etc.

The ever-generous JP McManus donated money towards the building element of the project.   Funds were also received from the IDA, Ballyhoura Development, Limerick County Council and the HSE, and work finally commenced on the site last year. This event is to raise funds for the purchase of equipment.

Team Dave Riordan has taken on the full organi-sation of this five day cycle, with accomm-odation, transport, jerseys, licences, food, fuel and fun. All 40 cyclists supply their own bikes and pay for their own accomm-odation, while filling sponsorship cards and supporting other fundraising events.