Cork County Council confirmed this week that work on the Mallow Bridge Boardwalk Project will restart in early August, with this phase of works expected to continue for a number of weeks. The planned works will see the installation of new kerbing, new footpaths and the laying of ducting, along with the relocation of the War of Independence Monument to a safer, purpose-built space in a new amenity area on the northern approach to the bridge. The works will involve stop/go traffic management including some elements of night-time works. While the works are being program-med to minimise traffic disruption, some disruption and delays at the junction of Park Road, Bridge Street and Mallow Bridge are expected.
Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr Mary Linehan-Foley said, “This is good news for Mallow. The new junction layout will ultimately increase journey speeds, improve pedestrian crossings and increase safety for vehicles turning, especially HGVs. The streetscape in this area will be enhanced and the boardwalk will give shared space for cyclists and pedestrians. It also reinforces the link between the residential southern area of Mallow and the town centre. It’s especially good news for pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable road users on the bridge.”
Chief Executive of Cork County Council Tim Lucey added, “The Boardwalk, which is funded by Cork County Council and the EU through the Designated Urban Centres Grant Scheme, managed by the Southern Assembly, allows for additional traffic turning lanes on the bridge and will greatly improve traffic flow in Mallow. Traffic studies and modelling show the boardwalk and associated extra traffic lane will produce significant journey time reductions with associated sustainability, environmental and economic benefits to Mallow. These works further complement the Council’s Project ACT initiative, ensuring our towns and villages are best placed to realise their full potential.”
Up-to-date traffic management details will be available on Cork County Alerts. This free text message, social media and email alert service is available to register for at
Regular updates on the project are available on
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Mallow Bridge boardwalk works to restart in August
July 30, 2020
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