Mallow Tidy Towns round-up

Mallow Tidy Towns volunteers painting and cleaning up the planted area at Mallow Bridge.
Mallow Tidy Towns volunteers painting and cleaning up the planted area at Mallow Bridge.

Congratulations to River Valley and Beechwood Park residents’ groups who have made a great effort to tidy up their areas and have received full marks in the Cork County Council Anti-Litter Challenge. We encourage the same level of effort to be undertaken throughout the town. It really makes a difference for residents and visitors alike. 

Our volunteers were busy last Saturday painting the tree planter boxes at Mallow Bridge. Weed control is a challenge, in particular on the outside walls of the bridge. Perhaps some of the money raised on parking fees could be recycled and used to clean up the weeds and the grimy pavements in the centre of the town and in the public car parks?

Sincere thanks to all who contributed to our church gate collection at the weekend. As a result of the generosity of the people of Mallow, we are now in a position to add two more flower beds to the Cork Road project, which we hope to begin very shortly. Thanks also to our Litter Angels who were out at 8am on Saturday morning, clearing the streets of rubbish.