‘My Husband’s Sin’ is the debut online novel from author Mary T Bradford. Mary lives in Charleville, is married and a mother of four children. She has been writing short stories for many years and has enjoyed publishing success in Ireland and abroad. While working on a story, it kept getting longer and the word count continued to climb, resulting with Mary having her novel. She signed a contract with Tirgearr Publishing earlier this year and her novel will be launched on 22nd August. It will be available to download from to your e-readers and computers. Recently Mary has dipped into play-writing and one of her plays was shortlisted in the Claremorris Fringe Festival in April of this year and was performed by the Half Breakfast Theatre Group. Another of her plays had a staged reading in July at Friar’s Gate Theatre in Kilmallock. Her short story collection, ‘A Baker’s Dozen’, is also available on and from local bookshops.

‘My Husband’s Sin’ tells the story of four family members who gather for the reading of their mother, Lillian Taylor’s, last will and testament. For the grieving youngest sibling, Lacey, life is about to come crashing down as a deep secret is revealed. The fall-out affects every member and they struggle to regain the happy family unit they once shared. Each of the four now-adult children take the reader on a journey as they try to come to terms and learn to handle this huge revelation. To whet your appetite further, go to Tirgearr Publishing Ireland (, or to Mary’s blog ( where you can read an excerpt from the book.