Mayor Noel O’Connor, chairman of the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade committee, has announced that Mallow will host a parade as usual on St Patrick’s feast day. Speaking this week, Mayor O’Connor said, “I am delighted to announce that this year’s parade will be called the Saint Patrick’s Day ‘Gathering’ Parade. We are expecting that there will be a large number of groups and floats participating in this year’s parade. The organising committee has decided that the theme of this year’s parade is ‘The Gathering’. We are hoping that the participating groups will reflect this theme.
“It is expected that there will be many visitors for Saint Patrick’s Day weekend this year. I am sending out a special ‘welcome to Mallow’ to all the sons and daughters of Mallow now living abroad to take up this offer to return to Mallow and celebrate their heritage by being in town for this St. Patrick’s Day ‘Gathering’ Parade. A special reception for returning emigrants will be held in the Town Hall at 1pm on St. Patrick’s Day where a welcome home Special Visitors’ Book will be signed by those returning to visit Mallow on this weekend to recognise their return. If those returning wish to participate in the parade as a group, then the committee will make arrangements for this. As Mayor, I know that my fellow councillors are looking forward to meeting those emigrants returning to Mallow on this weekend. The fact that St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Sunday this year is a real encourage-ment for people intending to come home at this time because Monday is a work-day holiday in Ireland. In Mallow there will be informal ‘gatherings’ in the pubs and restaurants after the parade.”
The secretary of the organising committee, Ms Maire Ui Bhriain, said: “I am delighted that the committee has already received confirmation from Thomas Davis Pipe Band, who will lead the parade, and also from Blarney Brass and Reed Band. I am encouraging participating groups to adapt the floats to the Gathering theme. It is important that groups intending to participate in the parade should register by contacting myself at the Naíonra in Mallow or by phoning the chairman Cllr. O’Connor at 087 2738222. We look forward to a really fantastic parade again this year. As usual all the schools and surrounding areas are welcome to participate.”
Treasurer Hanna Sheahan thanked the sponsors of the parade, saying, “It is difficult times in our country. This parade is a great day out for the family and in the last few years it has grown to be a major event in the town. I am particularly grateful, as treasurer, for the support of Mallow Town Council and the many many traders in the town who support the parade financially. Running the parade is an expensive venture but with the help of the business people of the town it is possible to run it. The good news is that there will be prizes for the various categories of participating groups and once again John O’Connor, journalist and broadcaster, will be the judge. So Mallow is the place to be on the afternoon of 17th March (parade starting at 2.30pm) for the St. Patrick’s Day ‘Gathering’ Parade in Mallow.”