Limerick County Council’s Environment section is delighted to announce that it has recently installed dog stops/pooper scoop dispensers at 2 locations in the county – one in the Demense in Newcastle West and the other at the Park in Castletroy. The dispensers have the twin benefits of providing dog owners with “poop bags” to enable them to clean up after their dogs and dispose of the waste, while at the same time safeguarding public health. Speaking at the launch of the units Mary Killeen Fitzgerald, Administrative Officer said that “this initiative is a very positive step taken by the Council to tackle the scourge of dog mess in public areas. There is now no excuse for dog owners not to clean up after their dogs.” It is the Council’s intention to provide dispensers in other areas in the county during 2012. In the meantime poop bags are available free of charge to members of the public from the Council offices at Dooradoyle and at its area offices in Newcastle West, Kilmallock, Rathkeale and Annacotty.

November 16, 2011
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