Over half a million euro in funding has been announced for the replace-ment of lead piping in the water supply system in Mallow. Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan has approved funding to allow Cork County Council to award the €575,968.01) tender for the Mallow Public Water Supply Lead Services Replacement Contract.
The contract provides for the removal and replace-ment of 1,600 metres of communal lead pipework and individual lead services in 197 properties in the water distribution network in Mallow. The works are intended to address areas where there is evidence of exceeding or a significant risk of exceeding the current limit of lead in drinking water in the Mallow Public Water Supply Scheme.
Minister for Research and Innovation, Seán Sherlock TD, welcomed the news. “This is certainly welcome news for Mallow homes and Mallow town, which depends on this particular water distribution network,” said Minister Sherlock. “It is my hope now that the tender will be completed speedily, to allow a contractor begin work as quickly as possible.”