‘Mallow in the First Decade of the New Millennium’, a new book of photography by Mallow Star photographer Steve Murphy, is in local shops. The book covers Mallow people and events in the first years after the turn of the new century and millennium. The early 2000s were exciting and changing times in Ireland, with the Celtic Tiger beginning to roar. Like the rest of the country, Mallow saw a lot of development, with much of the top of O’Brien Street being levelled to make way for Market Square and other businesses and apartments. Housing estates sprung up, and we got our first major industry in many years with the arrival of Kostal. St Mary’s Secondary School was demolished and a new school was built, and Davis College moved from Annabella to a new school in Summerhill, where they were joined by neighbours Gaelscoil Thomáis Dáibhís. It was a time when it seemed the good times would always be with us.
‘Mallow in the First Decade of the New Millennium’ is a full-colour publication that takes a look back at those optimistic years, and many sporting and social events are covered within its pages. A limited number of copies are being printed, so make sure you get your copy. It would make a wonderful Christmas present for Mallow people at home and abroad.
New book of Mallow photographs!
December 12, 2019
Featured Stories, Home Slider, Mallow Star