A new Irish Heart Foundation Slí na Sláinte walking route will be launched in Bruff on 16th of October at 10.30am. Slí na Sláinte (‘Path to Health’) is a unique initiative of the Irish Heart Foundation designed to encourage people to get more active and get walking. The

Bruff Slí na Sláinte covers a picturesque 3.5 kilometre route north of the town. This signposted walking route is supported by Bruff Tidy Towns, Limerick Sports Partnership and Limerick County Council.

The new Slí na Sláinte route will be launched by the unveiling of the map board at the community café and a walk along the route. The public are invited and encouraged to join in.

Tara Curran from the Irish Heart Foundation said: “We hope that the community in Bruff will get great enjoyment and benefit from the new Slí na Sláinte route. Getting active makes such a big difference to your heart and overall health, helping to reduce stress, ease back pain and reduce the risk of heart disease. For heart health adults need at least 30 minutes of physical activity, such as brisk walking, five days a week. By having a clearly marked and safe walking route, we aim to make it easier for people in Bruff to get active as part of their normal day.”

Further information on Slí na Sláinte contact Tara Curran, Health Promotion Department, Irish Heart Foundation, 50 Ringsend Road, Dublin 4, Tel: 01 668-5001 or e-mail: