A large and enthusiastic audience of secondary students from the five local schools in Mallow, including Buttevant and Doneraile, attended a Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths ‘STEM Roadshow’ event last Tuesday April 26th in the Carrigoon GAA Complex in Mallow, organised by the North Cork Engineering Cluster (NCEC). Patrick Buckley of NCEC and EPS Group opened the event by welcoming everyone to the STEM Roadshow which was being held to inform and assist young people who may be considering or interested in making their career in the area of STEM.
NCEC joined forces with Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and the Cork Education and Training Board (Cork ETB), along with five schools in the North Cork area, to develop a programme to increase the awareness and highlight the importance of STEM subjects in schools. The first of these events was the STEM Roadshow which was an outstanding success both with regard to key speakers, an infor-mative panel of STEM students who were both studying and working and information available on subject choice and college entry criteria. The purpose of the roadshow was to create a one stop show for students to see what CIT and the Cork ETB can offer them in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics’. The event allowed for students, together with their supports, teachers and guidance counsellors, to explore all the various options in a friendly environment. Key speakers were Mr Michael Loftus, Head of Faculty of Engineering and Science at CIT and Mr John Fitzgibbon, Education Officer of the Cork ETB who gave an informative and educational presentation to the audience outlining the many courses available and the various access routes to their career choice. A panel repre-senting both male and female gave an insightful look at their chosen STEM careers, the reasons behind why and how they chose their STEM career path and an insight into the study demands that were required in their various fields.
The openings for appren-ticeships were discussed in detail, with Patrick Buckley EPS stressing the importance of apprenticeships within industry and how apprenticeships are now seen as a key career choice for many.
A wide variety of stands were available for students and parents to meet with the various personnel from CIT and Cork ETB to discuss any queries they may have had in relation to subject choice or entry requirements.
The NCEC initiative of Mallow Development Partnership (MDP) links education and training services with businesses to create awareness and jobs. This exciting new venture brings together a broad range of stakeholders and ‘aims to promote the areas of Engineering and Technology’, with the ultimate goal of increasing employment opportunities, business opportunities and the success of engineering companies in the locality. Through education providers, local schools, industry partners and local businesses, they believe that common goals can be achieved for the ultimate benefit of North Cork and its people.