Rahan NS this week played a part in a major initiative to shop local when they launched a book rental scheme in the school. The Parents’ Association in the school has been fundraising for the past couple of years to set up a book rental scheme to help alleviate some of the financial pressure on parents, and after taking delivery of the books last week, pupils were presented with their bundles on Monday, which means that they are now ready to go when the new school term starts in September, at a fraction of the cost of buying books. The Parents’ Association is delighted to link up with Mallow Chamber which has been very active in encouraging schools to buy school supplies locally in order to promote business and boost jobs. Philip’s Bookshop was the local business which won the contract to supply Rahan with school books, and congratulations were extended to the Parents’ Association for their hard work in setting up the book rental scheme. Committee members are Brian McCarthy (chairperson), Niall Lehane (treasurer), Joanne Donoghue (secretary), Tony Walsh, Brendan Conway, Natalie Zaruba, Cariosa Lynch, Paul Rochford and Niamh McDonnell. Thanks were also expressed to teachers Marian Lehane, Tina Connolly and Nora Maire Ní Flaharta for co-ordinating with the Parents’ Association and processing the distribution of the books to the children.
June 28, 2012
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