Mallow Handball Club had a golden weekend in Cavan, with four players travelling to Kingscourt and all four bringing home gold medals in their respective grades. First up on Saturday was Tadgh Carroll in the intermediate All Ireland Final where he defeated Daniel Kavanagh (Wexford), and he was followed by Tadhg O’Neill who beat Eoin Brennan (Kilkenny) in the minor final. On Sunday, Niall Delany and Stephen O’Rourke beat Ciarán Power and Colm Parnell (Wexford) in the All Ireland U17 Doubles Final, so a total of four medals were brought back to Mallow after the weekend. Well done to all four players, and to their club and coaches.
Quadruple gold for Mallow in All Ireland Handball Finals
March 23, 2017
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