Minister Seán Sherlock has confirmed that planning permission has been secured for the Patrician Academy.

“This is further welcome news for Mallow educational facilities,” said Minister Sherlock.

“My priority in government has been to ensure that physical facilities in education are provided for and this is another example of that priority bearing fruit locally. I look forward to the work taking place shortly and the entire school community being able to avail of the new premises.”

The work includes plans to construct a single storey stand alone three classroom building, a single storey extension to the rear of the existing school, the school is a Protected Structure comprising of a special needs suite of accommodation including two classrooms, central activity space, toilet facilities, multi-sensory room, practical activity room, office and all ancillary accommodation (ASD Unit) relocation of existing rear vehicular service entrance at Fair Street and all associated site works including demolition of an existing storage building.