Well-known clinical psychologist, writer and media contributor, David Coleman, will be offering guidance to parents and teachers on how to deal with childhood bullying at a seminar in St. Mary’s Secondary School, Mallow next Thursday, February 28th. David Coleman, well-known for his TV programmes ‘21st Century Child’ and ‘Families in the Wild’ recently tackled the topic of bullying in his series ‘Bullyproof’ on RTE Television. Offering his expertise and therapeutic skills to teenagers and their families who had been affected by bullying, he sought to help them overcome the trauma these bullying experiences had caused. As David explains, “The effects of bullying on a child or teenager can have far-reaching consequences, affecting the rest of the family and even the future potential of the child who is being bullied. It is important for parents, schools and whole communities to be pro-active in tackling this issue, empowering children and teenagers to stand up to and report bullying, whether a victim themselves or as an observer.”
St. Mary’s Secondary School has invited the well-knownn clinical psychologist to address this serious issue and help support teachers at school and parents at home in their management of bullying. The seminar, entitled ‘Bullyproof’, is open to the general public with school management anticipating a strong attendance from the Mallow area and beyond.
Announcing the seminar, Sr Brid Biggane, Principal of St. Mary’s Secondary School, said “The issue of bullying is and always has been a very serious issue and we feel as a school we should provide guidance and support for our teachers and parents in how to deal with this often secret and sensitive problem. We are delighted to welcome David Coleman to Mallow and are looking forward to an insightful and informative evening.”
The ‘Bullyproof’ seminar will take place next Thursday, February 28th in St. Mary’s Secondary School at 8pm. Admission will be by ticket only, at a cost of €10. Tickets are available from the school office. For further information, contact St. Mary’s Secondary School directly on 022-21998, or email stmarysmallow@eircom.net