Following the extremely successful production of ‘The Rescue’ in the Old Creamery in Knocklong, the Knocklong Development Association has released a DVD of the production. This was launched at a preview showing of the video in the Community Hall last Friday. ‘The Rescue’ tells the story of the 1919 rescue of Seán Hogan at Knocklong Station. To stage the production, the derelict creamery site was transformed into a replica of 1919 Knocklong. This was a task that involved an army of volunteers who cleared, cleaned, scrubbed, painted and decorated, and dug out their valued artefacts to ensure the transformation was complete. For the three evenings of the performance, people manned the gates, provided site marshalling, and managed the traffic and car parking. The cast, assembled under the auspices of the County Limerick Youth Theatre, ran to over a 100 people of all ages, with just as many providing essential support roles from directors, producers, technicians, safety stewards, box office.