On Sunday last, six students from North Cork SCP in Davis College travelled to Dublin with Deirdre Foley as part of a training day for O2’s Think Big project. Think Big is a programme designed by O2 and Headstrong to enable young people to do projects in their community that make a difference to young people’s mental health. Six students in Davis College have come together to form a group called Positive Power. The first project the group will undertake is called ‘Smiles All Round’. As part of this the students recently received a grant of €300 for the project. They have now launched a board game drive in the school and community. Any games that will not be used in Davis College will be donated to other North Cork SCP schools for Christmas. They will then run tournaments at lunchtime in Room 4. Positive Power would appreciate any board games, dart boards, darts, jigsaws, books or any gaming equipment in good condition to be dropped in to Davis College or given to any student in the college. We will enter everyone who drops in a board game into a draw that will be held at Christmas. We would appeal to the local community to donate any games that they are not using to us, or to any local charities in the area.

Thinking big in Dublin
November 24, 2011
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