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Award winning, Irish owned
mallow star

Broad Street, Charleville

  (063) 89682
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19 Bridge Street, Mallow

  (022) 22910
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Maiden Street, Newcastlewest

  (069) 69790
local irish news

Tidy Towns give Bridge Street/Park Road a spring clean!

On Saturday morning last we continued improving the derelict area at the Bridge Street/Park Road site. As well as picking up 5 bags of litter along the Park Road, we made progress with the painting of the railings and hope to finish it off next Saturday. Many thanks to Paul O’Connor, the owner of Crafted Fitted Furniture, who offered us a very welcome cup of tea! We hope to have a load of gravel delivered before next weekend which must be spread manually, so all help is welcome! The five tree planter boxes have been finished by our friends at Le Cheile Mallow Men’s Shed and the trees have been ordered from Ken Joyce at Joyce’s Garden Centre. There is a picture of a planter on the Men’s Shed Facebook page, please check it out for yourselves, and ‘like’ and ‘share’! We are hugely grateful to the Men’s Shed for their co-operation, thanks guys!

The Transition Year students of the Patrician Academy are planning to do a litter pick along the river walk next week. Sheelagh O’Shea, who is our Liaison Officer with the secondary schools will be co-ordinating with them.

McDonald’s Mallow have come on board with us by providing Jamie, one of their employees, for a couple of hours every week. His work duties are rostered around our meeting times. This is a huge bonus to us, and we’d like to invite other businesses to offer assistance in any way they can. This can take many forms, from keeping the footpath in front of your business clean to sponsorship of tools and equipment, to offers of refreshments for our dedicated group of volunteers. All offers gratefully accepted! We would be delighted to hear from businesses, companies, industries, groups and of course individuals. Please contact us through our website, email or private message on our Facebook page. If you would like to be included in our text update list please SMS your name to 087 635 9944.

Please check our website,, for photos and updates.

Meeting point for Saturday March 2nd is the corner of Bridge Street and Park Road at 10.30am. Hope to see you there!