Pupil Tiernan Dineen was the toast of his fellow pupils at Scoil Ghobnatan yesterday (Wednesday) after he defeated his Principal Michael Walsh in a fun cycle race in the school yard.

Tiernan, who is a wheelchair user, was given a wheelchair racer several months ago, and challenged his Principal to a showdown. After that, Tiernan trained hard for the event, while Michael also put in long miles, a cycle from Mizen to Malin Head being just one of his achievements.

The schoolyard was full of happy schoolchildren yesterday as pupils gathered to watch the race. Tiernan was all set, helmet on and with a determined look. Likewise Mr Walsh in his white cycling gear. The race starter and official was Garda Liam Doyle, and when he shouted “go,” the two cyclists set off, cheered to the echo by pupils and teachers.

It was an exciting race, narrowly won by Tiernan, and afterwards both cyclists did a lap of honour for the spectators.

Following the race, pupils and teachers returned to class and Principal Michael vowed to train harder during the summer holidays.