The Titanic was the largest passenger steamship owned by the White Star Line and constructed in Belfast. We all went into the original White Star Line to book our tickets. The location marks the departure point of the last 123 passengers who boarded the Titanic on its fateful voyage to America. At 11.40p.m on 14th April, 1912 she struck an iceberg on the way to New York and by 2.40am she had sunk. The story is told by means of using innovative audio visual technology bringing the characters to life through cinematic shows, scene sets, holo-graphic imaging and touch technology. We retraced the footsteps of the Queen-stown passengers, anticipating the experience of the long journey ahead to a new way of life in America, the excitement boarding the most luxur-ious liner of the time, then when tragedy struck, the fear and horror – it is so well done that you do feel this. Afterwards we discovered the fate of all the 123 Queenstown pass-engers. We also traced the fate of the many passengers who travelled from Limerick.
One of our 54 passengers Bridie O’Connor was able to trace what happened to her grand uncle Maurice O’Connor who perished on his way to New York. We were blessed with a beautiful day in Cobh and everyone had a wonderful time. A tour of the town was experienced on the little train. Many people who visited the Cathedral lit a candle and remem-bered those who had per-ished on the fatal voyage. Some time was spent in Cork city and on the homeward journey we returned to the Corbett Court Hotel where we had earlier enjoyed a most sumptuous breakfast. We had a choice of dinner menu fit for royalty, we were certainly spoilt for choice. Please make a note in your diary for our next day trip which will be on Sunday 16th September when we will visit the kingdom, taking in the picturesque Dingle Peninsula and more. We have a lot of names booked already so to avoid disappointment book early. We will be picking up en route. Contact Maureen on 087- 9845102.